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rational allocation of resources中文是什么意思

用"rational allocation of resources"造句"rational allocation of resources"怎么读"rational allocation of resources" in a sentence


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  • Thoughts on rational allocation of resources
  • Comprehensive budget management is an effective management model for the rational allocation of resources in enterprises and enhancing their quality , adaptability and resilience
  • The only source of funds is picking micro communities eggs , and production of food and the soldiers are to spend some money . if all the eggs are sold , you will soon find that result , so how can a rational allocation of resources is take your mind , oh
  • The income distribution is an essential link in social economic relations . it not only reflects the process and outcome of social re - production , but also has prominent effects on the rational allocation of resources , promotion of economic growth and social stability
  • The main problems to settle in strategy implementation lie in the following : rational allocation of resources ; adjustment of the organizational structure ; perfection of the job performance , creation of good cultural environment for the assistance and formulation of controlling system of strategy management
  • You need to develop your insurance and financial markets to promote more rational allocation of resources - uk banks , accountancy firms , insurers , and brokers are among the best in the world , and two of the first four foreign banks to have localised their business in china were british : hsbc and standard chartered
用"rational allocation of resources"造句  
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